
A radio is a piece of equipment used for listening to the program that are broadcast to the public.

Whether a person is literate :educated or unedcuated :rich or poor:whatever he is he can use it. The only thing is that he has to have is sound hearing power.

To know the global current event through the radio is a way of life.In field of media ,it is the cheapest means of communication .These days, a mobile phone with a radio set is aviable in the market which help to make radio more popular.

The world famous radio service BBc and VOA have been still popular in the age of TV and computer .Because of FM service in the private sector, the radio become more popular in young generation. We hear diffrent program on it loke health education ,music, quiz, news etc. It is by us and for us. So it's very much important though it sightly causes a noise pollution.

 To conclude ,we cannot imagine our life without a radio.Life without radio ,is a passive because we will be away from current event and happenings in the word.

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