Can you use Termux to hack a Facebook account?

Preface: this question will likely attract lots of bots posting info for supposedly hacker services. They are all SCAMS. I repeat, S-C-A-M. They will take your money and do nothing. It's a common scam, and you can't report them if you do pay them; they could also report you for intending to commit a computer crime.

Now to the actual answer.

Hack what?

Your question is incomplete; it's like asking how to ride. Ride what? A bike? A motorcycle? A horse?

I'll list commonly asked variations.

Social media, e.g. Facebook or Tiktok? Forget it. Although Termux can be used to do so, it's just a tool. You need lots of experience and good skills to pull this off, and you will probably get caught instantly.

Free wifi? Yes, it's possible. However, you can only do brute force cracks on Termux because the vast majority of phones do not have support for Wifi monitoring mode, which is necessary for tools such as aircrack-ng to work. A laptop or a PC will fare way better. Needless to say, it will be slow. It's also illegal to do so on wifi networks you don't have permission to use.

Someone's messages? Using Termux or not, it's still way easier to just take the phone physically to check. Messaging apps got great security; it's not just download an app, click a button and done.

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