Love's resilience: weathering storms together "

(We don't need anyone else to be loved we to love own self . How can we expect love from someone else when we don't do to ourselves I don't know who need to hear this but era needed these words from her close ones)
Era was being trapped by drag everyday. She was blind in his love even there was no efforts from his side . Then era was unknown of the magic gonna happen in her life arav entered in her life once again he fixed everything with his magic and charm .

Arav was chubby round and healthy then. They had some common friends started hanging out together spend best time they was healing each other without even noticing it they started talking that gave era courage to get out of the toxic relationship with drag it was like end of some black magic. Era was finally able to know the good and bad for her . Era and arav dating arav purposed era as magical dream of many girls he even wrote a whole song for era he played guitar with the song explaining how much special and important era is for him with eras favourite cake . 
Arav made era feel so special she never felt that much loved till now. She accepted arav's proposal and they dated but thing's wasn't as simple as it looked. Drag tried to manipulate era again and again made era say the things which hurt arav ( era said the most hurtful thing she said yes to be in relationship just because she didn't wanted the vibe to be ruined. 
Era lost her thinking abilities again but this time she had arav to make her understand she finally cut off drag and she chooses arav then their relationship finally started without any confusions. They loved eating their favorite food and also experimenting new cuisines.

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