Every kind of sound is produced by vibration. The sound source may be a violin, an automobile horn, or a barking dog. Whatever it is, some part of it is vibrating while it is producing sound. The vibrations from the source disturb the air in such a way that sound waves are pridu6. These waves travel out in all directions, expanding in a balloon -like fashion from the source of the sound. If the waves happen to reach someone's ear, they set up vibrations that are perceived as sound.
Sound,then, depends on three things. There must be a vibrating source to set up sound waves, a medium (such as air) to carry the waves, and a receiver to detect them. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. There is an age-old questions concerning the definition of "sound." If a tree falls in a forest far from any sound detector ( such as a human ear or a microphone), does the tree's crash make any noise? The answer, of course, depends on how sound is defined.
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