How to make friends ?


Friends is the most important things in our life without friends we cannot live our life as we are living right now. Friends plays a very important role in human nature. Friends help each other when they need and they even play with them. These are some tips to make friends quickly:

1. Don't be shy to talk when you meet new people, ask their name and about themself.

2. Talk to new people like you know them already and while talking don't be so rude.

3. Use polite language and behavior while talking to new person because first impression is important.

4. Introduce about yourself and your family background.

5. After talking to him have launch or breakfast together.

6. Always shake hands or hug when you meet him/her first time a day.

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Hello It's me eraj khadka and I am a writer and want to write articles about lifestyle sports and many more hope you enjoy my articles.